The Truth About Food and Health
The Truth About Food and Health
The Healing Codes

Hello, and welcome!
The intention of this website is to promote the healing of all things; the physical, mental, and emotional.
So this website is about just one thing... your health, your healing, your upliftment, and your well-being.
Virtually everyone is in need of a healing of one kind or another, whether it's of the mind, or body.
While it's geared towards "healing", it goes far beyond the average person's concept of "healing".
This will be a process of un-learning, not learning, and reading it just once may not be enough.
Each time it's read, "new" concepts will probably be grasped more and more thoroughly.
Deep down you already know most/all of this information but now we're going to bring it to the conscious mind.
This website will most likely challenge your beliefs. But hey, that's the fun of it!
So, let's get right to it. 


The Other Coast

Why are degenerative disease rates skyrocketing in North America?
Because we lack the truth about what actually contributes to disease.
Why aren't drugs "curing" many of our diseases?
Because the human body is a SELF healing mechanism, when cared for.
Even severely and chronically ill patients can heal when truth is put to practice.
That is, when negatives are let go of, and positives are embraced.
Perhaps someone with authority has told you something is "incurable".
And you chose to believe it because you thought they knew the truth.
But do you WANT this "truth" to be YOUR truth?
You know what? As we learn, grow, and evolve, our truth changes.
Even many of our scientific "truths" are long outdated and obsolete.
If they were the final truth, why do we still have problems?
Our truth eventually evolves even beyond what science tells us is "truth".
Are YOU ready to go there?

How about a little health humor from Bill Maher to get us started...

While I've personally used a lot of different nutrition supplements, FrequenSea is by far my favorite.


"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them."
- Albert Einstein
"No learning is acquired by anyone unless he wants to learn it, and believes in some way that he needs it."
- A Course in Miracles

The Vitally Important Placebo/Nocebo Effect
There is "no cure" for certain diseases only for those who believe there isn't.
As soon as you close your mind to the possibility of being healed, that possibility is almost non-existent.
We've all heard about the "placebo effect" and just how powerful it is.
During scientific/medical experiments the placebo effect is always taken into account because it is a very real effect.
What this means is that our beliefs and opinions are a major factor in keeping us from being healed.
Studies have shown that sugar pills are quite often equally as effective as drugs or surgery.
Perhaps it's time to put the placebo effect to work purposefully.
With no harmful side-effects possible, the big question is "Why not?"
If you no longer believe something, a huge leap has been made to no longer being subject to that negative belief.
First and foremost, your opinions and beliefs must change so you are open to ALL possibilities.
That also is the purpose and intention of this website.
The "placebo effect" works in our favour. The "nocebo effect" works against us.
It's very important to realize that they are both in effect at all times, 24/7. How could they not be?
So as long as we keep saying, thinking, and feeling "I have health problems", that will always be the reality.
This should be changed to "I am vibrantly healthy, happy, and complete".
If this is too difficult to make the mind believe, then it should be "I am in the process of becoming 100% healthy".
People don't seem to realize that skepticism is a belief system in itself.
By being pessimistic, skeptical, and negative, the nocebo effect is already at work.
Healing REQUIRES open-mindedness and the willingness to change.
This site is for those who are interested in self-improvement, change, truth, health, healing, peace, well-being, etc.
This involves changing one's perceptions, attitudes, views, thought processes, opinions, beliefs and "truth".
At your own pace of course.
It should be understood that if you're not open to doing this, this website may not CURRENTLY be for you.
This website is only for those who are ready and willing to take personal responsibility for their own state of health.

Healthy Perceptions
This was written to be as simple and complete as possible which makes it very straight forward and to-the-point.
Because of this, some may perceive this information to be "rough", "cold" or "callous" but that is only a perception.
The truth solves ALL of our life problems, if we let it, so we COULD perceive this information as "love", if we CHOOSE to.
In this context it's pretty clear as to which perception is the more healthy and beneficial one, but it's still your choice.
Are you open to changing your perceptions and attitudes?
Are you willing to let go of judgements, concepts, and perceptions of "good" and "bad"?
This website's purpose is not to point out so-called "wrongs", or to judge anybody.
It's purpose is to empower the individual with truth so they can improve their entire life in ALL aspects.
Many of society's beliefs are false, negative and harmful. This website will help undo those harmful false beliefs.

Closed-mindedness, rigidness, inflexibility, intolerance and ignorance will always be self defeating in the end.
The truth is the answer to every single problem that ever has and ever will exist.
How is it possible that we already know the truth, if we have problems in our life?
Are you ready to let go of what you currently "know" to be "true"?

Drugs and surgery are perfectly fine for what they do; masking the symptoms of an underlying problem.
Cancer, diabetes, arthritis, headaches, stiffness, soreness, allergies, cavities, colds, addictions, alzheimers, ADD, etc.
These, and many more, are all SYMPTOMS of an underlying problem.
There are reasons these diseases happen.
Drugs and surgery do not address these underlying reasons.
Can popping a pill or having surgery change the lifestyle choices that create disease?
As long as the underlying source of disease remains, the disease itself will always remain or return.
By no means is this just about healing. This is equally about prevention.

The human body is a self-healing mechanism, when honored, respected, and cared for.
When given ALL the energy, resources and proper materials to make new cells it can heal ITSELF of virtually anything.
Even severely and chronically ill patients can heal. It is only a matter of choice.
Fix the cells and EVERYTHING else is fixed because the body IS cells.

Both preventing and curing disease is the exact same process.
Preventing disease requires giving the cells/body the proper raw materials to REMAIN strong and healthy
Curing disease requires giving the cells/body the proper raw materials to BECOME strong and healthy.
Whether it be for preventing or healing, the cells require the SAME materials.
That which heals disease, will also prevent disease.
That which prevents disease, will also heal disease.
There is absolutely no difference between preventing and curing.

Virtually every disease, physical or mental, is the result of one thing...
STRESS on the body's cells.
Having stressed out dysfunctional cells will naturally lead to disease because the body IS a community of cells.
As long as the underlying source of stress on the cells/body remains, the disease itself will always remain or return.
Remove all negative sources of stress and the body will heal itself.
"Toxins", a nutrient deficiency, and negative emotions are what stress the cells.
Almost all degenerative diseases are because of at least one of these 3 things.
The vast majority of illness and disease is degenerative and preventable.
Very few degenerative diseases, if any, are the result of genetics.
The genes inside our cells change (turn on and off) according to the cell's environment.
And the cell's environment is determined by our lifestyle CHOICES (diet, toxins, chemicals, emotions, stress).
The gene inside the cell is a reflection of the cell's environment.
"Genes are physical memories of an organism's learned experiences." - Dr. Bruce Lipton PhD
"Just like you and me, cells are shaped by where they live." - Dr. Bruce Lipton PhD
The gene is not the "brain" of the cell. The cell is not controlled by the gene.
Scientists have removed genes from cells (enucleation) and the cells continue to work normally.
Genes and DNA are a part of cell function, but are not the cause of disease.
We are not controlled by our genes. We control them with our lifestyle CHOICES.
Yes, we may be born with specific genes but they can turn on and off when you change.

Holistics - The WHOLE Picture
It's not necessarily about the quantity of years that we live, but rather the quality of those years that we live.
It's pretty difficult to be sick and happy at the same time, isn't it?
It's also pretty difficult to be happy when we don't even understand where higher levels of happiness truly come from.

Are we interested in healing the part, or the whole?
True healing requires balancing all aspects of an individual; the mental, emotional, and physical.
Each aspect affects the other. If one is out of balance, they are all out of balance.
One aspect does not exist separate from the others.
They are all one and the same.
Does the brain exist separate from the rest of the body? Is the brain not part of the body?
Then why would thoughts, emotions and feelings not affect the rest of the body?
Every single thought, emotion and feeling affects the rest of the body.
Blushing, sexual arousement, blood pressure levels, adrenaline rushes and smiling are just a few small examples of this.
All thoughts, emotions and feelings create virtually instantaneous physical change in the body.
MANY diseases are created as a result of continuous negative thoughts and emotions in one's head.
What do you allow to go on inside YOUR head on a regular basis?

"The design of the human mind renders it intrinsically incapable of being able to tell truth from falsehood." -David Hawkins
This ignorance of human consciousness is a defect everyone is subject to.
Out of this innocence we are able to forgive and accept ALL others, and oneself, for their unawareness.
"Forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Perceptions of Un-Truth
The problem is that many people don't understand what is ACTUALLY beneficial or harmful.
What you think and believe to be "true" colors/affects how you perceive, see, and view the world.
That certainly doesn't mean the world/situation is actually that way.
Every single person goes through trials and tribulations, and...
The only thing that separates one individual from another is how they CHOOSE to accept life's situations.
Two people could be in the exact same "stressful" situation and yet only one of them might be "stressed out".
A particular joke will illicit laughter in one individual, but not another.
It all comes down to an individual's perception of the situation.
It's those LIMITED perceptions, attitudes, ideas, concepts, opinions, and beliefs that do us harm and need to be let go of.
No outside event or situation is in control of what happens in your own mind.
Only you can control what the mind does or does not do.
Nothing outside you has power over your mind unless you ALLOW it to.
There is no outside cause for stress and the emotions you express.
Stress is the result of an individual choosing to accept things negatively.
"To perceive is to suffer" - Aristotle
Nothing makes you angry, etc. except your decision to be.
"He who angers you, conquers you."

Energy Vampires
Although, some negative people might be sucking the energy out of you just by being around them. Do you feel drained?
These people are often called "energy vampires".
Is being around negative people/situations that make you feel stressful negative emotions really worth it?
When you let things affect you in negative ways, you are being controlled by that situation and by those people.
Do you like being controlled in such a way?
Do you enjoy giving away your power, energy and health?
Is it yet time to be completely honest with oneself? Is it yet time to remove ourselves from such people/situations?

Stop Fighting Disease, Embrace Health
It's not about what we think or believe the situation to be, but how we choose to respond TO IT.
Without our minds interfering, everything just IS. Nothing more, nothing less.
Actually, nobody and nothing ever controls you. The mind is controlling you, instead of you controlling it.
The only thing that needs to be controlled is one's own mind.
Actually it's not even a matter of controlling it.
It's a matter of letting it go by losing all interest in those thoughts and emotions.
When the negatives are let go of, all that remains is the positives.
Health and peace are our natural state of being when negative thoughts and emotions are not indulged in.
It will be necessary to stop blaming outside situations for what the unaware mind of the individual has done.
It will be necessary to stop blaming altogether, including onself.
To be healed, an individual must CHOOSE happiness, joy, love, gratitude, etc. despite outside life circumstances.

The "placebo effect" is far more powerful than what most of science gives it credit for.
One's thoughts, emotions, feelings, intentions, and way of being creates their state of health.
The beautiful thing is that positive thoughts are FAR more powerful than negative thoughts.
Anger, guilt, fear, shame, greed, blame, jealousy, judgmentalism, rigidness, control, hate, pride, dishonesty,
Anxiety, impatience, apathy, irritation, doubt, etc.
These selfish negatives create physical stress on the cells of the body, which creates disease.

"Anger is it's own punishment." and "You are what you think."
False beliefs will contribute to disease.
No other person, nor cold weather, ever makes us sick, or gives us a cold.
We get sick because of a weak immune system, and the immune system is weak because of our own lifestyle choices.
Taking responsibility will promote a healthy body.
Total forgiveness of ALL others, and oneself, for their unawareness will promote a healthy body.
Accepting ALL given situations as they are will promote peace of mind, and a healthy body.
Approval of negative situations is not required, but acceptance and non-involvement are.
"Resist not evil." "What you resist, persists."
Calmness, tolerance, peace, serenity and being at ease within one's own mind will promote a healthy body.
One simply has to focus on the positive attributes rather than the negatives.

Again, the negatives will always be self defeating in the end.
The negatives only serve a purpose until it's realized that they don't serve a purpose.
The word "disease" or "dis-ease" means that one is not at ease.
So being at ease reverses dis-ease and promotes health.

In order to be healed, the thought "I have <blank disease>" must be let go of.
This very thought is partly contributing to keeping the disease in the body.
If a specific disease is part of the identity of "me", how can we possibly say that we truly want to be healed?
The same thing applies if we happen to get satisfaction out of our disease because we like the attention it brings us.

Stop identifying the mind and it's automatic thoughts/emotions as "me" and you're no longer subject to those thoughts.
Stop identifying the body as "me", and all fears, including death, disappear.
Respect the mind and body by taking care of them but don't identify them as being "me".
All fears, worries, anxiety, and stress will then disappear.
It's as "simple" as not investing interest in the automatic random repetitive thoughts/concepts of the mind.

Fighting disease is focusing on the negative. Embracing health is focusing on the positive.
Whatever you put your focus on, think about, and give attention, you receive more of.
Whatever you put your focus on, think about, and give attention, you give more energy, and a greater physical reality.
Focusing on our problems will only perpetuate our problems even further.
We can't focus on the negative and somehow expect the opposite to happen.
Fighting disease will bring more fighting disease. Embracing health/truth/love will bring more embracing health/truth/love.
If you want more of what you already have, continue doing what you're doing.
In order for change to happen, change must be made.
It's not a matter of fighting disease. It's a matter of letting it go by adopting the positive instead.

The Living Matrix DVD

Happiness Comes First
Only once the inner attitudes and thought processes are changed, will one's "outer" life change accordingly.
Your "outer" circumstances are a perfect reflection of the thoughts in your head.
Happiness comes FIRST, and THEN the rest of one's life will reflect that with absolute perfection.
EVERYTHING you "need" in life will AUTOMATICALLY appear if happiness is chosen FIRST.
EVERYTHING you "need" in life will AUTOMATICALLY come when you have COMPLETE trust and faith that it will.
Everything you "need" will come automatically when you stop complaining about, and focusing on, what you don't like.
Paradoxical? Only to those who haven't practiced and experienced it for themselves.
The key is to not confuse wants with "needs".
The key is to not think that you already "know" what you "need".
The key is to go with the flow, in the now, simply ALLOWING everything to unfold naturally, harmoniously, and perfectly.
When you reach this point, life becomes a continuous series of seeming "co-incidences" or "syncronicity".
So-called "miracles" will happen on a daily basis and life becomes absolutely simple.
No more struggling, no more trying to "get" or "gain" anything, no more trying to force things to happen.
No more fear, no more stress.
There may still be bumps along the road but now we have the knowledge that allows us to let go and move on.
Everything works out perfectly because everything IS perfect, when we are able to see the WHOLE picture.
The whole picture can only be seen or understood when one lives and is this truth.

Life and existence in general, is about the process, not any end result.
If you don't choose to be happy right now and during the entire process of life, when do you expect happiness to come?
We can choose to be happy now or we can live in misery while hoping it comes later.
But what if it doesn't come later? Relying upon the future has been shown repeatedly to be unreliable.
Happiness can't be experienced in the future because we don't exist in the future.
Happiness, joy, etc. can only be experienced in the exact present moment.
The future is created according to what is decided upon and created this very moment, right now.
Happiness in the future depends upon us choosing happiness now, all the time.

Happiness is a choice and nothing more.
The more you choose it, the greater it will grow, and the more you'll realize it comes from within.
Happiness is experienced from within, which means the source of it is within.

It doesn't come from "out there" unless that's the limitation you've chosen to place upon yourself.
People attach their inner happiness TO outside things which makes them THINK that's where happiness is found.
If you've already chosen to be happy, no outside thing can make you happy, because you're already happy.
Happiness is a choice, and freedom comes from having no specific "needs" (addictions) outside oneself.
Choosing to be happy at all times brings inner wholeness, completion, and peace.
If one is already complete, NOTHING else is needed.
If one is ALREADY happy and complete, food, alcohol, drugs, money/gambling, etc., can't make us happy.
The happiness provided by food, alcohol, drugs, money, etc. are extremely pale in comparison to joy, bliss & ecstasy.
Attachment to outside things will bring suffering because one is searching for true happiness where it cannot be found.
Searching outwardly for happiness will only bring more and more searching outwardly for it.
Realizing happiness is within will bring more and more of that realization.
Even boredom becomes non-existent when one realizes they are ALREADY happy.
Boredom is the result of thinking that something outside oneself is needed in order to be happy.
Happiness is being grasped for rather than just realized.
Stop grasping for happiness. Realize it. Smiley

Love That Actually Works
Neediness often pushes other people away.
Love is not greed, possession, owning, attachment, neediness, desire, jealousy, anger, control, or judgementalism.
That which is selfish can't be love because love is selfless.
Love is good intent. Love is service. Love is selfless. Love is trust. Love is respect.
Love is good will. Love is forgiveness. Love is acceptance. Love is unconditional. Love is non-selective.
Relationships "fail" because people are searching outwardly for happiness and love.
We are meant to share and give the happiness and love that we ALREADY ARE, with others.
In doing so, it grows constantly and continuously within the one who is giving and sharing it.
We give and share the happiness and love that we ARE by simply BEING it and sharing it with others.
Love is experienced by being it yourself.
Love is an INFINITE resource. It cannot be exhausted or used up.
The more you give, the more you are able to give.
The more you love, the more you can, and everybody has to start with where they are right now.
It's not about getting. It's about giving with no thought of reward.
Not even a "thank you" should be needed or expected because that's neediness.
"It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Believe Nothing, Know by Doing and Being
The way the universe works is that if we don't give, we won't receive.
Expecting something in return or having an ego about giving defeats the whole purpose of it.
"Giving" can include physical work, truth, or even just simply BEING Love. But "give" and receive is how it works.
It's not about the receiving though. We receive more, so that we can give more.
The more we give, the more we receive. The more we receive, the more we can give.
This is the ebb and flow. This is the perfection of the universe at work.
Are you willing to give in order to receive? Are you willing to receive (health) so that you can give (selfless service)?
Only the healed can be healers. Only wisdom/truth/selflessness/love can solve problems.
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Ghandi
Just to make it clear, Ghandi was speaking of peace and happiness.
You must BE peace and happiness.

Addiction is the Search for Happiness
Choosing happiness is the answer to addictions, attachments, and virtually EVERYTHING else.
The only meaning that anything has is the meaning that the individual gives it, or attaches TO IT.
People attach the concept or emotion of "happiness" TO outside objects like food, alcohol, drugs, money, people, etc.
People attach "happiness" TO outside objects, which makes them THINK that's where happiness is.
It is the chemicals released by the brain (ie. dopamine) and the EMOTIONS that people are truly addicted to.
It's the emotions that the body is addicted to, not necessarily the outside objects themselves.
Addictions to food, alcohol, money/gambling, etc. will disappear when one no longer attaches "happiness" to them.
Addictions and attachments will disappear when one chooses to be happy without them.
Addictions and attachments will disappear when happiness is chosen at ALL times, despite life's circumstances.
It is an illusion created by the mind to think that we "need" ANYTHING to be happy and complete.
Choose to be happy at all times despite life's circumstances and NOTHING else will matter.
If one is always happy and complete, one is no longer worried about "surviving" and even the fear of death disappears.
What could possibly be less stressful and more peacful than not fearing death?
"Death" is just another part of life. It's not the tragedy that everybody thinks it is.

Forget About External "Proof", Verify It For Yourself
Nothing can be proven to you from some outside source.
Knowing ABOUT something doesn't mean that we "know" something.
One must BE that which is to be known, in order to truly know.
You must think, do, experience, be, and therefore know for YOURSELF.
It's necessary to have an absolutely oppen mind of the results one way or the other when doing/practicing for oneself.
If your beliefs sway one way or the other, the results are far more likely to turn out that way.
The REAL truth will not be experienced this way, and then what's the point of even putting it to practice to begin with?
Why bother reading these words if they won't be put to use?
"Believe nothing. Know by experience."
But if you must believe, believe in the result which is beneficial to you and all others.
These sentences may seem to contradict each other, but it's the context in which the words are used that matters.
Also, there are different levels of truth.
Higher levels of truth often render lower ones irrelevent and obsolete.
What is "truth" at one level is not necessarily "truth" at other levels.

You must believe to the point of KNOWING that the body is ALREADY 100% healed and healthy, right NOW.
Every cell, every molecule, every gene, every DNA strand is ALREADY a perfect picture of health.
Hold this intention, FEEL IT with your very being, KNOW IT, allow it, never doubt it, and it will come to be.

This is what the "placebo effect" and "spontaneous healing" is all about.
Your thoughts can change the cells, molecules, genes and DNA, but only if you believe that they can.
Being skeptical of this statement isn't going to benefit us, but you can of course believe what you want.
There are no rules here. No dogma. It is all your choice.

Looking Within & The Nature of Truth
There are NO outer battles to be fought in life.
It's about overcoming our OWN individual negative limiting thought processes.
Everything you believe, is the truth, but only to you, and only because you believe it's the truth.
You have set those laws and limitations upon yourself, with your subconscious thoughts.
And those thoughts are based on emotions, feelings, ideas, concepts, perceptions, opinions, beliefs & past experiences.
And all of these are based upon the false notion that the automatic thoughts in one's head are "me" and/or "truth".
Just like the heart and lungs, the mind works all by itself, which means it's not "me".
You are the still, silent, unchanging Awareness that is aware of the mind, and it's comings and goings.
Your "truth" can be whatever you choose for it to be, but is it actually beneficial to you and your life?
If there are problems in any aspect of your life, no matter how small, it's the result of a lack of truth.
If you were living the truth completely, there would be no problems whatsoever.
The truth is the answer to every single problem in the world.
The truth only solves, dissolves, and removes problems. It does not create or perpetuate them.
Anything that is negative, is not the truth.
Disease is negative and is the result of falsehood.
If we want to solve (all) our life problems, it will be necessary to relinquish our current "truth".
The real truth already is what it is. (ie. only peace of mind can bring peace)
The truth is never created. It is only discovered, revealed or realized.
The "cure" for diseases already is what it is. It simply has to be discovered, revealed or realized.
The truth already exists and cannot be created by our minds.
The truth reveals ITSELF when we stop thinking we already know it.
When we think we already know it, we close ourself off to what it truly is.
Without the mind interfering, everything just IS, which is profound peace beyond words and description.
Good, bad, better, worse, right, wrong, likes, dislikes, etc...
These are limiting opinions, beliefs, and judgments that are only relevant to the mind of the individual.
Anything that is not relevant and beneficial to oneself and all others, without exception, is not truth.
At higher levels of truth, all ideas, concepts, words, even thoughts and thinking are rendered irrelevant as well.
"Intuition" and an innate knowingness of all things will begin to kick into high gear when these things are let go of.
Awareness, consciousness, and knowing don't require words, thoughts or thinking.
We'll dip into that level of truth on occasion and if you're not ready for that yet, just move on.
Just try to keep in mind that healing requires an open mind.

"Their" Problem is Actually Your Problem
Problems are created solely by false thinking/unawareness/absence of truth/ignorance.
The world's problems cannot be solved by trying to fix the outcomes and EFFECTS of our thought processes.
It's the thought processes that must be changed.
The world's problems are a perfect reflection of the thought processes of the people that inhabit it.
The world's problems can only be solved by looking at the world as a whole.
Many problems don't even actually exist. We only perceive and believe they do because we lack the whole picture.
"There is nothing either good or bad, but only thinking makes it so." - William Shakespeare, Hamlet
Instead of thinking others need to change themselves to suit your opinions, change yourself, and that attitude.
If you're angry, jealous, controlling, guilt ridden, etc, it's that emotion within YOURSELF that needs to be let go of.
It has nothing at all to do with what anybody else thinks, or does.
If every single person let go of their own negative thought processes, there would be total world peace.
If something doesn't beneficially serve you, and all others, simply let it go.

Society's "Truths"
Non-selective unconditional respect, forgiveness, acceptance, love and gratitude must be practiced.
This includes towards oneself.
Start small if need be. Nothing will ever come from doing nothing.
It's as simple as focusing and putting your attention on these aspects, instead of negatives.
If you think you're not worthy, think again. The truth is for all who want it.
The truth excludes no one. It is relevant and beneficial to all without exception.
Your past and present circumstances in no way dictate what you are capable of doing and/or being.
Your past choices and circumstances mean nothing.
Our current circumstances also mean nothing because they are based on our past unawareness.
Are you aware that EVERYONE, including YOU, are a genius, once the limiting beliefs are let go of?
Possibilities are infinite and endless only if we open our mind to this possibility.
It is only our unawareness and limiting perceptions that make us think we live in a universe of limitations and restrictions.
There are no restrictions except what we impose upon ourselves, with thoughts, emotions, ideas, concepts, etc.
Thoughts LITERALLY create one's body and the rest of one's "outside" life circumstances.
"Thoughts are things" and they manifest into our PHYSICAL reality.
Anything is possible if we open our mind to the possibility that anything is possible.
Saying "but" and "can't" are false limitations. They are excuses based on negative blame and/or apathy.
Nobody said that society, it's setup, and it's beliefs, were based on the highest of truths, or even the truth at all.
Simply put, we live unhappy limiting lives only because we believe we have to.
But since thoughts/intentions create the physical world, whatever we focus on really FEELING, will come to be.

Lose Yourself for the Sake of Yourself
Some people live to eat. Some people eat to live.
It's a matter of giving the body what it truly needs.
If you first change the reason you eat, changing what you eat will be much easier.
The key is to eat so that we have the health and energy to serve and help others to our highest potential.
This is relevant and beneficial to oneself and all others, and is therefore the truth.
In becoming a better person yourself, you will be helping others in turn.
Healing can happen far more quickly when the decision is made to live for the benefit of others.
This is because selfishness is not relevant and beneficial to oneself and all others, and is therefore not truth.
Competition fuels greed and also makes people fear for their personal survival, which creates the world's problems.
Co-operation and living for the benefit of each other dissolves the world's problems.
It's a matter of losing oneself (and the individual's problems as a result) in the selfless service of others.
ANYTHING that is not truth will put stress on the cells, and over time, disease, if perpetuated.
How many of our subconscious thoughts in our head are selfish, caring about nothing but the me, myself, and I?
It is the selfish me, myself, and I of the ego that is the source of all problems.
If everybody was at peace within their own mind, there would be total world peace.
Every problem in the world would disappear if everybody lived selflessly for the benefit of others.
The ego gets it's selfish satisfaction from the temporary instant gratification of the senses.
The ego get's it's selfish satisfaction by focusing on the past & future, thinking that's where happiness is to be found.
But happiness can only be experienced at this very moment, right now.
Choose to be happy now, all the time, and you will ALWAYS be happy.
Do we want temporary happiness or permanent long lasting happiness that is ALWAYS present?
There is never a "right" or "wrong" choice. It is solely the individual's decision, free will, and life.
Feeling guilty about our choices isn't beneficial to the individual nor to others.
Guilt creates stress and dis-ease.
Instead of guilt, forgive and accept oneself and all others for their choices which are based upon UNAWARENESS.
Non-selective, UNCONDITIONAL forgiveness and acceptance brings peace of mind and a healthy body.

Be Love/Truth
What we do is not as important as what we are.
Change what we ARE, and what we do will then change as a result.
Be happy, be joyous, be healthy, be grateful, be accepting, be forgiving, be peaceful, be selfless, be love, be the truth.
What we do is nothing more than an automatic reflection of what we are.
Changing what we do is useless without changing what we are.
We change the world because of what we ARE, not because of what we do.

Truth and Love are the exact same thing.
Truth has to do with wisdom/mind. Love has to do with selflessness/heart.
But both Love and Truth are the answer to every single problem that exists, so there is no difference in the two.
Love and Truth are one and the same.
Since the truth is the answer to all problems, doesn't it make sense that it's the only thing that matters?

The Process of Un-Learning
Work with this information at your own pace.
If you're not ready for certain steps, leave it be for now and work with what you are willing to put to practice.
Even a small step forward is a step towards healing.
Sometimes we learn the hard way. Sometimes we learn the easy way.
Whether we learn by making mistakes, or by the ways of truth, no effort ever goes to waste.
As long as we choose to learn from our mistakes, negatives will always turn into positives.
The only way to overcome life's challenges is to walk right THROUGH them, one at a time, as they present themselves.
When trials and tribulations present themselves, all you have to say is "Oh well, that's life!"
It's a "simple" matter of LETTING THINGS GO.
The situation is what it is, so just accept it.
Trying to control the situation will only bring more and more trying to control it.
Focusing on what you don't want, will bring you more and more of what you don't want.
Complaining about things you hate or don't like will perpetuate those things in your life even further.
If one accepts the situation for what it is, and lets it go, that situation no longer has a hold on us.
See the positive in every situation, learn from it, and move on.
EVERYTHING is meant to be learned from.
Live, learn, move on. That's Life.
That's being at peace, and peace promotes health.

That Which is Natural, Requires Nature
When it comes to food, the simplest way to break it down is like this..
A natural organic body requires natural organic things.
This isn't a strict rule, but it's generally a good guidline to follow.
The body is literally made of what goes into it.
Man and his environment evolved together, which means they are perfectly tailor-made for each other.
Artificial, foreign, inorganic contaminants and toxins put our cells/body into protection mode.
Cells are either in protection mode or growth mode, and they can't do both at the same time.
When growth mode ceases, healing and regenerating ceases.
When healing and regenerating ceases, slow death (disease) is happening.

It's largely about eating less food that was manufactured in a plant, and more of what was grown in nature.
Many people have desensitized or "infantalized" their tastebuds with sugary and salty foods, but..
If the body dislikes certain foods, the tastebuds will grow to like something after trying it on several occasions.
This is where the term "aquired taste" comes from. Much of it is mind over matter anyway.
If we eat "junk", we will feel like junk. Hence the term "You are what you eat", but only if you identify the body as "me".
Toxic materials like artificial sweeteners, trans fats, pesticides, lifeless foods, etc. do not belong in an organic body.
It's up to the individual to choose to stop ingesting harmful, genetically modified, synthetic, processed, chemical "foods".
Again, can popping a pill or having surgery do this for us?
Stop fighting disease. Embrace health/truth/love.

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